List Your Business


Brampton Business Directory is a Free Business Directory for Black-Owned businesses in Brampton, Ontario, Canada.

To Be Listed in the directory, your business must meet the following criteria.

  1. The business is for profit.
  2. The business is Black Owned.
  3. The business is located in the City of Brampton.
  4. The business has an active website with an About Us Page or descriptive information about the business. Free sites like a page, page, page, or page are also acceptable.
  5. The business is not related to drugs, sex, gambling, multi-level marketing, financial schemes, cryptocurrencies, politics, or issues known to divide people.

To send your information to us please do the following:

  1. Visit
  2. Take a screenshot of your business’s home page.
  3. Send us the screenshot or another image that is 1024x 768.
  4. Send any additional landscape images of your products that can be used in the slideshow on each page.
  5. Send all images via and paste the link in the form below.

(If your business is home-based and you prefer not to publicly list your home address, you can skip the address portion. If you do not have a business phone number, please get a free phone number from through the Fongo Phone App or Fongo Works.)

If your business is not on the site within 7 days after sending us your information, it is likely that your business does not meet the above criteria.  Emails with attachments will not be opened. Please send your images via the link.

Please use the contact form below to send your listing.

The fields marked with a red *  asterisk are mandatory.

We look forward to seeing you on the site!